Sunday, 15 April 2012

                                   PROTECTION MECHANISM IN CAR



the purpose of this report is to provide a mechanism to alert the driver of approaching danger which can be done by monitoring the distance between the nearby car and alerting the driver whenever the distance becomes too short using bluetooth technology.
this report aims at providing bluetooth warning mechanism in cars to avoid road accidents  by alerting the driver of approaching danger  by monitoring the distance between the nearby car  whenever the distance becomes too short using bluetooth technology.its is based on Bluetooth radio is a short distance,low power radio operating in the unlicensed spectrum of 2.4 Ghz and using a nominal antenna power of 20 dB with a range of 100m . the bluetoth avoids interference by hoping around 79 frequencies 1600 times per second. with the instalments of this facilities, the arnings will b sent to the car and accordingly actions will be performed to avoid the accident. As a result road accidents will be decline and loss to property and life can be avoid as well as saved.

Table of content:



i would like to express my sincere thanks to J.KARTHIKEYAN , of his encoragement in the development of this report.
i would also like to express my sincere gratitude to GARIMA GARG, for providind me with necessary details.
i would like to thanks my parents for their moral support and a severe thanks to one and all those who indirectly or directly helped me in this report.


According to UN ESCAP Report in 2004, the road accidents are a growing worldwide
problem - around 1 million deaths and over 23 million injuries per year, and around 85% of
these deaths are occurred in developing countries. The problem is particularly urgent in
developing countries as the Asia – Pacific region already contributes 44% of global road
deaths although it currently only has around 16% of the worlds motorized vehicle fleet.
Particularly in the Kingdom of Cambodia, with the increasing number of motor
vehicles every year and the effort of the Royal Government concentrating on construction,
rehabilitation on road infrastructure to facilitate rapidly and smoothly transportation of goods,
people in order to boosting national economic and particularly reducing people poverty, road
accidents which are also increasing in a dramatically high rate.
In the Kingdom of Cambodia, road accidents are being recognized as a second big
disaster after AIDS and caused lost of life, lost of public and private properties, affect social
harmony. So Government Poverty Reducing Policies are affected and impeded by this
second disaster. Road accidents, which had been recorded since 1994, are presented as the

List of graphs and figures:

1. No. of fatalities per year.
2. Rates per 100000 inhibitants per year.
3   Front to front collision.
4. Front to rear collision.
5. Cop car smashed into the rear of a public car..
6. Left: bluetooth signaling and detection.
        Right: monitoring and processing signal.

Process : 

Bluetooth radio is a short distance,low power radio operating in the unlicensed spectrum of 2.4 Ghz and using a nominal antenna power of 20 dB with a range of 100m . the bluetoth avoids interference by hoping around 79 frequencies 1600 times per second. so in order to avoid accidents; bluetooth equipped cars in which each car has a bluetooth transmitter and reciever and a mini computer to monitor the relative positionss of the car in relation to the other cars. when any car comes close together , exceeding a certain defined fixed range, warning signal is sent to the car. based on the type of warning signal recieved, the computer sends signal to the brake control system to slow down the speed of the car ..  if the driver doesnt applies brake, automatic brake is applied  to the car within  the range of a few meter depending upon the cars speed  . the are various types of control signals: on signal is to control the speed of the car approaching straight ahead or from front.  other is to give pa to the car trying to overtake .

Result and discussions:

With the implementation of bluetooth warning mechanism road accidnts will be reduced significantly leading to the protection of both life and property.

Conclusion and recommendation:

to achieve these targets,concerted and sustained fforts on the above action plans are neded and required as follwiong:
bluetooth system with 100 m of range
reciever antenna.
this mechanism would greatly reduce road accidents . so recommending for its  implementation in automobiles as soon as possible. this innovation can be promoted with stickers on rear glass of the car which says "Automotive Brake Control shelters me and my car", through associations and periodicals,internet and media.


the photographs and graphs of road accidents are a source of google.
bluetooth informations,ic ,sensors and other periferals are also sources of google and